Getting to Know Christine, our Customer Experience Manager


Christine's wine adventure began seven years ago, on completion of Canadian Association of Professional Sommeliers (CAPS) studies through Niagara College.  Her path to our winery began when, as Beverage manager of a restaurant-bar in Hamilton, and later as co-owner of Toast Wine Bar, she auditioned and added Malivoire wines to her wine list.  A happy outcome was a close association with Beth Fletcher, Christine's Malivoire contact.  When the spin-offs of the pandemic took a heavy toll on Christine's business, it was at Beth's urging that she offered her expertise to Malivoire, an offer that was eagerly taken.  Christine joined us in August as a part-timer and transitioned toward a full-time role as our new Customer Experience Manager.

All of this, and recent motherhood, have made life very busy again, especially as Christine also hand-makes and sells stuffed toys for small children.  When Christine senses some precious spare time might be at hand, she checks first to make sure there is still some Small Lot Gamay or Pinot Noir in her cellar... preferably, both.