Innovation + Tradition
Malivoire is a blend of innovative thinking with respect for tradition.
We are receptive to new practices and tools to improve our wine while remaining wedded to the concept of wine as a natural product. We take a long-term view of our vineyard farms; recognizing the winery and vineyard as a wholistic system. The health of the entire entity is our responsibility. We recognize the crucial role we play in protecting the health and well-being of our staff working in the vineyard, winery and our neighbours and community at large.
Our early literature described Malivoire as blending innovative thinking with respect for tradition. Looking back, this definition has stood the test of time.
Reduction & Elimination of Synthetic Inputs
We continue to reduce and eliminate synthetic inputs in the vineyard and winery when facing vineyard challenges. While effective in the short term, synthetics cause long-term complications. If we can meet natural obstacles effectively with natural solutions, our vineyards will thrive without causing deterioration to their surrounding habitat; a gentle touch helps maintain soil stability and fertility and allows us to promote biodiversity and a healthy living vineyard that protects wildlife habitat.
Water Conservation
We conserve water and energy in both the vineyard and winery recognizing the vital importance of our natural resources.
Hand Harvesting and Sorting
Our estate grown fruit is hand-picked by our experienced vineyard team. The act of inspecting each cluster in the vineyard ensures only the healthiest fruit makes it to the winery.
Like the efforts we make with gravity’s gentle process to minimize juice oxidation, so too does hand picking eliminate oxidation of grapes prior to arrival at the crush pad.
The dedication for perfect fruit culminates in the winery, where we inspect, once again, each cluster as it passes by our winemakers on the vibrating sorting table, shaking out any material other than the grapes, while the winemaking team permits only the best fruit to make it through.
Energy Conservation
We were the first winery in Ontario to employ the technique of gravity flow. It involves the gentle movement of grape juice and wine through various stages of the winemaking process, relying on the natural force of gravity rather than mechanical pumps. This method minimizes agitation and oxidation, preserving the delicate flavours and aromas of the wine, resulting in higher quality and more nuanced wines, and, of course, reduces energy consumption.
In another effort to reduce energy consumption, our barrel cellar is half-embedded in the ground beside our winery, optimizing the moderating influence of the earth which cools the cellar in summer and warms it in winter. The roof, exposed in the winter, absorbs heat from the sun’s reflection to warm the interior.
Eco-conscious Packaging
We continue to develop our overall packaging program, including corks, bottles and packaging materials, to contribute to a greener future, and through our 'Take Back the Pack' program, we ensure the responsible reuse of materials.