The decisions we make today, take into consideration our long-term impact in the years and decades to come. Our goal is to leave the land in better condition than when we started.” Shiraz Mottiar, Winemaker

Harvesting by hand in the Estate vineyard

At Malivoire, Sustainability has been a core pillar of our winemaking and wine-growing philosophy since our inception. More than 20 years on, we are proud to be Certified under Ontario’s Sustainable Winemaking Program and Members at Large of Oregon’s LIVE initiative.

For us, Sustainability means:
- We take a long-term view of our vineyard farms; recognizing the winery and vineyard as a wholistic system. The health of the entire entity is our responsibility.  
- We have a gentle touch in order to promote biodiversity and a healthy living vineyard that protects wildlife habitat
- We aim to reduce or eliminate synthetic inputs in the vineyard and winery
- We conserve water and energy in both the vineyard and winery recognizing the vital importance of our natural resources
- We promote soil stability and fertility
- We recognize the crucial role we play in protecting the health and well being of our staff working in the vineyard, winery and our neighbors and community at large

Sustainability addresses social, economic and environmental  elements.