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Our Champion...Dan Stouck!

February 09, 2021

Our Champion...Dan Stouck!

Article: Our Champion...Dan Stouck!

Our Champion...Dan Stouck!

After a long run of consecutive championships in the Winter Wine Festival barrel rolling challenge, our Assistant Winemaker retired unbeaten.  Persuaded three years later to return, Dan claimed the next two titles and retired again.  Stand back... Dan’s been coaxed into one final encore and here he comes!

Dan rollilng at Winter Wine Fest 2016...  2016 Barrel Rolling focus!   2016 Dan Stouck wins the Barrel Rolling Trophy...again! 

Pictured above, see Dan rolling at the 2016 Winter Wine Fest competition in Jordan, where he once again earned the trophy.

2021 Dan Stouck Barrel Rolling for Winter Wine Fest eventBecause of distancing requirements, the 2021 contest is like none before.  Dan and his rivals had to perform their runs in separate locations, under the scrutiny of a judge and stopwatch.  Once all are in, the results will be compared and a winner declared.

The barrel challenge is just one event in a Winter Wine Festival taking a very different form.  This year’s WinterWineFest@home invites you for a virtual getaway to the Victorian charm of Jordan Village. 

Details will be coming soon but plans envision a virtual street party, culinary fair and other attractions only a click away.