What's for dinner Tim?
Written by Christine McConville
Navigating the perennial question of “What’s for dinner?” can often feel overwhelming. We all crave culinary inspiration, yet many recipes come laden with lengthy lists of spices and seasonings—18, to be exact? No thank you! Enter Smoke & Barrel Niagara, where luxurious spice blends and rubs offer instant allure and simplicity. Crafted by Chef Tim MacKiddie, whose extensive experience in the wine industry has shaped the ethos of Smoke & Barrel, these blends are designed not just to elevate your dishes but to harmonize beautifully with the Malivoire wines you enjoy.
As devoted admirers of Chef Tim’s culinary artistry, we have partnered with his team many times to create tasting pairings for our events. Coming from some of these events are the recipes featured here.
To help you to easily create these fun and approachable items, we are thrilled to now feature Smoke & Barrel’s exclusive spice blends and rubs in our online shop. Now, when you select your favorite Malivoire wines, you can effortlessly enhance your meal with a perfectly complementary spice blend.
Check out these Malivoire taste-tested recipes - to make entertaining a breeze, or for a fun new family dinner!
With three delightful options to choose from—Citrus, Coriander and Charred Onion Rub, Wine Country Smoked BBQ Spice Rub, and Porcini and Rosemary Seasoning Salt—you’re sure to discover the ideal blend for everything from creamy risotto to succulent roast chicken and grilled burgers.
Try all three - more recipes are sure to come!