Take Back the Pack!
For quite some time now, whenever our customers have returned their packing material to the winery after receiving their previous shipping orders, we have always gratefully accepted these items and put it back onto our shipping process*.
Then recently we decided that we should formalize this occassional occurance and encourage our customers to actively return these items to us. Because, even though our packaging is an earth friendly product, re-using it is still better than recreating it.
So anytime you return your shipping material to us, we will re-use it. Plus, the bottle trays nest into each other so that you can pack 16 into 1 full shipping case, taking up less space.
Below is some information about the packaging that we are currently using to ensure that our product is received with integrity.
Molded Fibre Packaging

Still have questions? Please don't hesitate to contact us directly at 905-563-9253 or via email through the Contact Us page.
*all materials are inspected for integrity to ensure its structure