Since our beginnings we have sought to engage our patrons through events that imaginatively explore wine, our product, within its multi-faceted quality of life context. Not surprisingly, many of these have delved into the interplay of wine and food.
We’ve not lacked for qualified help; some of southern Ontario’s most talented chefs have co-starred at Malivoire events. When not working on a Malivoire twist to one of many regional wine events, we’re usually designing one of our own occasions. These have required innovative thinking.
The building, as designed, had a winemaking-first focus with a small allowance for on-site retail.
To host an event for dozens of people at a time can only be done by adapting and safety-proofing our production floors.
This has given our occasions a distinctly in-the-midst- of-the-action feel. 📸 Esther van Geest