Celebrate Earth Day!

Earth Day April 22nd

Earth Day

As we continue our quest to preserve and protect our planet, we asked to hear from you.  What are you doing in your lifestyle to make your world a better, greener and more humane place to be for you, your family and your neighbours?

Sustainability addresses social, economic and environmental  elements. 


We are absolutely delighted with the response that we got from you, our loyal Malivoire fans!  You all took the time to thoughtfully reflect on what you are doing, what you have done and on how you can make changes for our future.  Thank you so much for that. 

Below are some of the amazing things that you shared with us!

 ...pulling out invasive plants in our garden and replacing them with native plants that create food and shelter for birds, pollinators and local wildlife...

...no bottled water, ever!

...no household food ever goes to waste (aka this is a big challenge in North America)

...I always bike to work when I can instead of driving...educating myself every day on ways to improve my day to day life to be more green, healthy and humane

...take excess household items to community support groups

...re-using wine bottles into water bottles

...collect trash/debris found while on a nature walk

...creating fun at-home family activities with the kids, like making bird feeders from used juice cartons

...planting milkweed seeds for the monarch butterflies

...students challenged to create a lunch with no waste...then planting their tomato

...never using single-use plastic bags

...no idling of vehicles -ever

...and so many more!

Congratulations to Lise L, Brook S and Sandra L.  They have each WON a $100 Gift Card during our Earth Day challenge!

Here are some of the ways members of our staff are acknowledging Earth Day.
-    Staff with young children have mentioned how many of the environmentally responsible products they are seeking might be beyond their everyday budgets. Thank goodness for Grandparents! Asking extended family to choose from a list of gift options with a special focus on sustainability makes a big difference – as simple as wooden instead of plastic toys or subscriptions to biodegradable diapers.
-    Carving out time every day for ‘self-care’ – yoga and meditation in the mornings, help to give time to oneself so that there is more energy to devote to others.
-    Some members of our team have dedicated their vacation days to building homes for those less fortunate through an organization called Shelter Canada