Welcome Back to our Vineyard Crew!


This week marks the return of our vineyard crew, who all hail from Jamaica.

Barry, Mahlon and Adam have been part of the Malivoire team since 2002, while Michael joined us in 2008 and Vivian, after many years at Lailey, joined in 2014. Their dedication and understanding of each individual vine is a major reason we have beautiful fruit to work with every year.


The Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program (SAWP) dates back to the late 1960’s (see below for a dapper photo from the Lincoln Museum). Seasonal workers in Niagara play a vital role in helping the area grow both literally and as a community.




Photo No. 1 Left – Right: Mahlon, Barry, Michael, Vivian, Tristan, Adam

Photo no. 2 – Courtesy of Lincoln Museum (dated around mid 1960’s)