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Walking the Walk

December 03, 2024

Walking the Walk

Article: Walking the Walk

Walking the Walk


Written by: Eric Nixon


We believe a strong community is the gateway to gratifying lives and rewarding livelihoods.  As highlighted on our website, “Community Involvement” is a huge part of Malivoire’s vision. 

To that end, it’s important to us to show gratitude for our winery’s success by investing in the communities where we, and our customers, live and work.

Looking back on the year past, the Malivoire Honours initiative for Ontario frontline healthcare workers, which directed ten thousand dollars to the West Lincoln Memorial Hospital Redevelopment Project, has been a crown jewel of our commitment.

As well, thousands of dollars in contributions also targeted the Terry Fox Foundation, the Women’s College Hospital Foundation, the Bill 7 Awards, mental health and addiction care at Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital, Giving Tuesday launches Purchase with Purpose for West Niagara Community Care, and others.

In all, more than seventeen thousand dollars in funds, merchandise and other material contributions supported more than fifty community projects and causes in 2024.

We will renew our support for many of these in 2025, while keeping our eyes open for new, equally deserving needs in our community.