Meet the Makers - Insiders Only

This Collection of products is exclusively reserved for active members of the Insiders at Malivoire wine club.
If you are not a member and are interested in becoming one of our Insiders, visit this page and sign up today!
Are you already an INSIDER? LOGIN HERE
Meet the Makers online event is our way of coming to you every quarter and sharing our passion for what we do, even if you aren't able to visit us at the winery.
Before each quarterly package is prepared for shipping, members are given the opportunity to add the 'Meet the Makers' Wine samples to their package. Then we taste them together as part of this event.
Here's what you missed....
Topic: Meet the Makers Zoom Event
Date: March 13th at 7 pm
Missed the Event? Watch it Now
Passed Code: d77=ZJiC
Coming Up...
Topic: Meet the Makers Zoom Event
Date: June 12th at 7 pm
Questions? Please just give us a call 905-563-9253
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